Friday, June 27, 2008

Stuff I DON'T Miss

1) Getting punched in the arm as a greeting
2) Guys expecting me to know what the hell they are talking about
3) Listening to sexist "jokes"
4) Feeling like a failure for not being "macho"
5) Stricter expectations for gender conformity
6) Hating my body
7) Feeling like I'm an actor playing a role
8) Bartenders snickering when I order drinks made in a blender
9) Having a choice between dark blue, black, or kaki pants
10) Having to shave my face every day


aj said...

You have, with this blog entry, given me something wholly new and un-thought of to think about. Thank you. It is truly rare that I encounter something actually foreign to my little world. (My god, we human beings are certainly compartmentalized, aren't we?)

....I came across your blog through your interest in video games. Hey, have you played the new "Etrian Odyssey" game yet? It's fucking awesome.

Anonymous said...

This list is bang on. I never fit in with the guys and still don't. Although in some ways it's good because my kids aren't subject to this type of behaviour (especially #'s 3 and 4).

sesame said...

What you say provokes a little mirth, but a greater barrage of thoughts. So, you are a philosopher? ;)