Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stuff I Miss

Below are some things I miss since transitioning.

1) Walking alone at night
2) Going to a Str8 club unescorted
3) Pants with proper pockets
4) Clothing sizes that actually tell me if something will fit
5) Men looking me in the eye when we talk
6) Men not taking eye-contact as flirtation
7) Having my opinions about non-trans stuff taken seriously
8) Not having to explain to banks, credit cards, employers why some of my documentation doesn't all match up.
9) Guys appreciating it when I beat them at a game
10) Not being the tallest woman in a photograph


sesame said...

Your list sounds quite logical.
There's a Concealed tone of sarcasm too! But then, its like some added spice to your already great personality.

riftgirl said...

Oh my golly, it practically mirrors my own list.

rioTgirl said...

I think the very first thing I noticed that was cruddy was the pants pocket thing. It was chilly and I eflexivly put my hands in my pocket and got up to the finger tips... sigh... had to hit the store for gloves...

riftgirl said...

That's so funny because in an article I was putting together recently, I totally called out those damn faux pockets that are supposed to "flatter" my hips. Like what? Women don't carry change? Or just want to run out of the apartment for a bit without the purse?

rioTgirl said...

Mom used to tuck cash in her bra.. alas my bewbz are a bit tiny for that.. looks like it's shoes and a matching bag for me *sob*

sesame said...

Honest and funny...