Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So I have taken some time to sit with this and to do some research. Everything we know comes from the murderer, and I frankly don't believe much of his story. He has every reason to make stuff up to paint himself as a victim in some sort of twisted version of victimization.

First he and Angie meet online and go on a date. She picks him up and they eventually go back to her place and have sex. According to him, she doesn't get naked and won't allow him to touch her sexually while she performs oral sex on him. The next day she leaves and he is alone in her apartment where he finds some photos that cause him to question her sex. He confronts her and she says "I am all woman". Then he grabs her crotch and feels a penis and murder happens. THEN he grabs her keys and purse and flees. There is some question about the location of her purse (I think some questions about the use of Angie's sister's credit card that tie into the case).

Now - lets assume he is telling the truth. He still sexually assaulted Angie when he grabbed her crotch. At what point is it OK to grab someone there AFTER they specifically told you NO the previous night? Past sexual intimacy does NOT give one any rights to access to an other's body.

If Angie WAS in the habit of fooling guys, then she would not have any questionable photos where her "dupe" could find them. Much less leave him alone in her place where he could go looking for them.

My own thoughts on this are that he knew full well she was trans. Every pre/non op gal I know is going to tell their status before being sexually active. For the very reasons this article is being written - we get KILLED! There is also the issue of the photos. A stealth gal isn't going to have them about. A gal trying to deceive someone isn't going to have them out.

What I'm trying to puzzle out is if he violently freaked out after the act, or if this was planned.


strongback said...

I also think more will come out once they find or release the email correspondance between zapata and the offender. Who knows he could of forced her into the apartment, forced a sexual act on her, killed her and then robbed her. Obviously its conjecture, but the murderer has opened himself up to a lot of scrutiny. What kind of idiot does that and then takes car and purse of victim. Like I said just wait until lawyers try to spin it. The murderer doesn't seem to have much compassion or any for angie calling her an "it".

Although I wouldn't be surprised if the guy pleads out to a small crime. Ussually the way it goes.

Anonymous said...

So, he pleads to be a victim of some sexual deception? Ah! What facet of humanity allows killing based on what kind of genitals you possess? Oh, the ruffian was sooo very shocked and hurt that he couldnt control himself and violently hit her again and again. When he was about to leave, he finds her still alive and moving. So he hits her some more to finish the job properly. And after this murder of so called panic, he suddenly becomes sane again and starts collecting the victim's money, car-keys and credit card before he leaves the dead body. Amazing self-justification!!!


Maddie H said...

The list of charges is pretty thorough:

first-degree murder, felony bias-motivated crime, felony motor vehicle theft and felony identity theft.

I'm glad they're going for first-degree murder. Although I believe what the papers have reported is enough to indicate that Angie's murder was premeditated, I think this also means that they have access to evidence of such things as Andrade knowing her trans status before he decided to kill her.

Thank you for posting on this.

rioTgirl said...

It's good he's being charged on murder 1. I had heard they were going for Murder 2, and that was going to be the next blog post.

sesame - the theft after the murder has not gone unquestioned. I know many people who have been in some pretty high-stress situations and grabbing someone's purse was not high on the list of priorities.

strongback - One place I think they need to open up s Angie's profile on the social networking site she and the guy used to meet up as well as their emails.

Maddie H said...

Seeing murder 1 on the list of charges surprised the hell out of me.

I just hope it sticks.