Saturday, September 13, 2008

Busy Gals - and a random thought

Both of us are in the middle of some job hunting, so we haven't been keeping this place as active as we planned. Wish us some collective luck.

Random thought that happened while writing this. A trans*woman is treated as a woman unless she gets read as trans. Then she becomes a REALLY gay man. If she has a history of attraction to men, that becomes the familliar combination of sexism and homophobia. If a Trans*woman is attracted to women, she is treated as a woman (sexism) and a lesbian (homo/lesbophobia), but if she is read as trans, then she ALSO becomes a REALLY gay man. It seems that my lesbian/bi trans-sisters have a complimentary double-dip in the icecream parlour of social stigma.


pellinore said...

Double dip, with sprinkles?

strongback said...

So do you get invitations to different parties and the bouncers won't let you in? Tolerance and maybe more importantly acceptance can be a slow thing, sucks when your waiting for it to happen though, especially when there is a line.

strongback said...

oh and I wish you luck and lots of it especially the good kind

Maddie H said...

This is why I don't think transphobia and homophobia are really the same thing.