Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Cowards We Date

This thought has been rumbling around in my mind since November. The observation of the TODR was covered, obviously, by the online Trans* communities. The Feminist and Gay/Lesbian bloggers were also very active, and also with reporting the stories memorialized on that day.

Where are the "Admirers"? Where were the guys who objectify bodies like mine? Where were the guys who make money off of bodies like mine? Where were the guys who love/date/fuck/lust after gals like me? To the best of my knowledge, they were silent - quiet while they "hunted" or cashed their checks.

Men are willing to go online to cry about how gawd aweful it would be if their friends found out, they are willing to make "Shemale" porn quite profitable, they are more than happy to reduce me and mine to the sum total of our parts. But when one of us is harmed, we can't count on them - they evaporate like fog by mid-day.

Once again a friend of mine is sexually assulted by a man she thought was "swell". Once again someone I know is afraid of how the authorities will react, so she is silent and ashamed. Once again, the firs reaction from people who know is to ask if the guy knew her status (because we all know that Trans*women love to pull that surprise *rolleyes*). No man will ever help us, they have too much invested in keeping us a dirty secret.


ИMLSS said...

Well, I like TS girls, and I'm not ashamed of it. I've never hide it, and I'll never do, because is my sexuality, and it only cares to me. I don't really mind what other people says.

(Btw, long time since the last time I read your blog....)

Monica Roberts said...

had to come say hi and check out your cyberhome.

While there are guys who love transwomen, there are others who don't or are wishy washy about it

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who's worse in this situation... The ones worried about what might be said, or the ones saying whatever the former are afraid to hear. Who I entertain is my own business, and if someone I know has an issue with it, that is their own issue. I never hide who I am, who I'm with, or what I'm doing. Not sure if that makes me different, but it would be nice to assume.

Vanessa Emma Goldman said...

ah, yes, the "admirers." my take on them is that most of them are probably very severely closeted/in denial gay men, who get into trans women (especially pre- or non-op trans women) as a way of trying to "have it both ways." in other words, to be with someone who looks and acts feminine/female, but still has a penis. so then the admirer gets to "be gay while looking straight."

Amy said...

Vanessa - I disagree and think it's the exact opposite. These are straight men who are afraid of the stigma of being labeled "gay." Not 100% straight mind you, but close to it. If their friends & family see them out with the girls they like in an identifiable atmosphere, most of them will just assume those guys are gay out of ignorance and react accordingly. If you talk to most of the admirers (when they are anonymous,) most say they're not into transwomen who still look a lot like men.

These guys are scared, and rightly so in most places, which in contrast shows you just how strong these women (and the guys who do show up) are who are out in the open and showing the world who they are.

Fallen Angel said...

I ABSOLUTELY love the idea that men can be inspred to act out their inner feminity needs,
and desires. It is a real turn-on and always has been. I am however extremely uncomfortable with the possible ridicule from my friends and family. As I am quite along in my years and grew up in a very repressive social climate ( the 1950's) and endured the slurs of being called "elf" "geisha" "little squaw". Also, I have a lifelong disablity that furthers my difficulties in getting jobs ,advancement etc. Oh yea, I am white and born into the upper white middle class, college educated.
Had I known what I know now I defintely would have "crossed over" to TG lifestyle. Your site is great! Just wish the dickens I had this when I was in college and much better looking!