Monday, June 23, 2008

A Voice in the Wilderness

I was going to return the HUGE favor/compliment RiftGirl from BeingT paid us by mentioning this place on her blog. Before I settled in to write my gushing mess in an attempt to weave admiration, humor, and genuine respect for this amazing woman; I popped over to her blog and read some pretty disheartening stuff. First, some guy issues and an email from yet another clueless guy... then she was thinking about deleting the blog and her videos. My heart sank.

I was going to comment on her post, but figured I'd save the the drivel for here and not muck up her place....

RiftGirl, you are a role-model to transwomen and cisgendered people. The topics you write about, while often specific to the trans* experience, can easily be translated into any one's life. You apply humor and sarcasm to issues that are otherwise uncomfortable making them easily digestible. You educate rather than rant, you appeal rather than repel, and you clarify rather than complicate. Best of all, you inspired us to get off our collective asses and make this.

Sometimes I feel like I have been talking to myself, that people don't "get it". That people who should "get it" understand IT the least. If you do nothing more, you show some person having a trans identity crisis that they can live a life with dignity, trouble, heartache, love, joy and FRIENDS - just like everyone else.

It stinks being public as trans. It sets one up for that crazy combination platter of crap that's equal parts sexism, homophobia, and yer garden variety pig-ignorance. It takes as much strength to live authentically and openly and honestly as it does to transition (probably more).

RiftGirl - I barely know you, but you have made one hell of an impact on my life. For cripes read comic books!!!!!!!!


riftgirl said...

Oh my god... I'm speechless. And anyone that knows me could verify that that doesn't happen often at all. Thanks so much!

rioTgirl said...

Well.. I was worried.. :(