Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dirty Pool

dirt is at it again:

Something that needs far more serious attention is the Mt"w"'s perpetual need to shove their "cocks" in womens spaces. And it makes absolutely no difference to them (Mt"w"s) whether that cock is a healthy functioning cock or a largely, or should I say tiny non functioning cock mutilated by the ME.

I'm curious how the assessment of various body parts to determining legitimacy for womanhood would be taken by dirt if the woman in question was cis? "She ain't no real chick, her tits are too small."

This is an issue that regardless of when the ME realizes its harmful "treatment" of trannyism, will not go away. This is an issue of male privilege plain and simple. Whether men suffering from a major mental disorder or the average Joe in the street, 30+ years after feminism and men STILL rightfully believe they should have access to every space on the planet, and under current patriarchal regimes they do!

Firstly, operating on the assumption that GID is a purely mental/emotional "disorder" I don't see any qualifications (aside from opinion and having a huge hate-on for trannies) for an informed critique of the treatment of GD/GID. I don't want to get into the whole biological aspect of this, but we all know that many things that were considered purely psychological "disorders" have been found to have physical causes.

But strictly speaking of the trannyism male privileged realm, these men disordered though they may be do not, will not and cannot relinquish the male privilege with which they were ALL born and raised! And really who can blame them even if this was something (which it is not btw) they could logically choose to disown?

People of color don't actually suffer from racism, I know this because white people told me so. How the hell can she make any sort of statement as to the way transitioned women experience power dynamics? I know, by erasing and denying the lived experiences of transwomen. If Transwomen benefited from male privilege then why are so many of us unemployed or under employed? Why are so many of us attacked and killed? Why are so many of us limited in the resources we may need as a result of being poor and physically assaulted? It would be nice to get some of the perks that comes with male privilege.

There are two issues that go hand in glove here; one being disorder males using their male privielge to insert themselves into women only spaces, they other more important issue being the women conditioned to allow it! It is the glove here that will remain the problem long after trannyism has been dismantled and no longer exists!

Women understanding, or trying to understand the position of Trans*women are somehow not smart enough to get past "conditioning"? What an elitist load of crap. It should be noted that this was in response to someone ASKING about a woman-born-woman policy of a website, and the site admin taking suggestions about the issue. If curiosity is the same as "males using their male privilege to insert.." then I guess mayby life DOES being with "hey ya wanna?"

Which is why women today need to wake up, assert their unique female strengths and womanhood and protect what is inherently theirs while there is still time and woman spaces left to protect!

I just want to know if this is the constructionist dirt posting or the essentialist dirt posting this,. She does love to contradict herself and be intellectually dishonest in her arguments.


Anonymous said...

I have to laugh here. I love watching fireworks and sometimes I catch myself getting all caught up in it. What I know is true, wouldn't convince dirt. She's made her mind up plain and simple - about men, about transgender. I don't suppose she'd know Buddhism. Or then again, I guess it's maleness so there's really little chance of it, right?

Hell is clinging.

pellinore said...

umm...hey ya wanna?

strongback said...

Its also kind of funny, granted I only see the exerpts you show in your post, that it totally ignores ftm. Are they also mentally corrupt? Or because they are going for the percieved male right that its a change for the better? Its just once again another bully, going after a "weaker" person or group. Which is quite easy in a way with how splintered and divided the trans affiliations seem to be. But it does seem to be getting better I think. Its not on the fringes of society as much. And "hate speech" seems to be atleast ignored if not drowned out more and more.

Anonymous said...

By the way, ftm, true *but* no mention of Intersex where transgender care originates. Ignorance is bliss.

rioTgirl said...

well, "dirt" is actually mostly on a rage against butches who take hormones and transition out of the lesbian community. She is infact an equal opportunity asshat.

rioTgirl said...

as far as intersex.. "dirt" and may RadFems are more than willing to deal with the physical realities of an intersex condition. That is one where the genitalia are obviously unclear. What they fail to even consider is that issues like hormone levels, brain chemestry, and a host of chomosomal combinations *could* be at play with GD/GID. Not that I feel that a physical cause in anyway legitimizes anyone's personal gender reality.

rioTgirl said...

eep.. the last sentence should read "Not that I feel that a physical cause in anyway IS NEEDED TO legitimize anyone's personal gender reality."

riftgirl said...

Okay, sweetheart... you really have to keep from reading that nutcase's crap. She's sure to infect you with her hatred.

rioTgirl said...

It's just soooooo easy.. and kinda fun ;)